slip and fall

According to Chicago’s premises liability laws, property owners have a duty to maintain a safe premise free of hazardous conditions. Unfortunately, though, many property owners fail to keep their property free of danger, leading to slip, trip, and fall accidents. Slip-and-fall accidents are a common occurrence across Chicago, and you should know the most common locations of slip-and-fall accidents to stay safe and accident-free. 

An icy walkway, a loose screw in a handrail, or a torn carpet that’s been neglected are all examples of common slip-and-fall causes. Whatever the cause, it’s important to know the places that are likely to cause a slip, trip, or fall accident. Remember that premises liability laws only protect those who are supposed to be on the property, not trespassers.

A cracked, slipper, or neglected sidewalk can quickly end in disaster. Although property owners are required to maintain every part of the property including the sidewalk and parking lot, many negligently ignore the issue. Hard falls on uneven surfaces are one of the biggest causes of fracture injuries, which can lead to a long road of healing.

The National Safety Council reports that workplace slip-and-fall injuries impacted nearly 160,000 workers in 2022. From an unsecured extension cord to a poorly-lit stairwell, some people find themselves the victim of a slip-and-fall at work that wasn’t their fault. Even worse is that workplace injury-related deaths are on the rise, and many of them are due to poor safety training and property maintenance.

All it takes is a spilled drink on a grocery store floor for a serious accident to take place. It’s an  unfortunate fact that thousands of people across Chicago have had their shopping trips interrupted by a sudden injury. When a business owner or manager fails to put up a “wet floor” sign or make the danger known, he or she can be held liable for injuries. 

It’s no doubt that Chicago has some great amusement parks, but a day of fun can quickly turn sour when a slip-and-fall occurs. Everyone visiting an amusement park should expect to stay safe, but unfortunately, sometimes accidents happen. 

Some of the most frequently-reported slip-and-fall accident locations are stairways, escalators, and elevators. If a property owner fails to maintain and upkeep these dangerous areas, the likelihood of a slip-and-fall accident increases, making the owner at fault for any injuries or property damage.

Whether you’re seeing the Bulls, Cubs, or Bears, you never expect to interrupt your day of fun with an unexpected injury. However, no small number of emergency room visitors come directly from a sporting event. 

Slip-and-fall accidents can cause serious injuries and even death. If you were injured in a slip-and-fall accident on someone else’s property, you may be entitled to compensation. Discuss your case with a slip-and-fall attorney at Saperstein Law to learn about your legal options for pursuing justice. We provide free case evaluations to personal injury victims in Chicago and its surrounding area, so contact us today to get started.