Car Accidents Attorney in Chicago

When you or someone you love has been hurt in a car accident, trust the Saperstein Law Group, P.C. to take control and solve these problems. You need to focus on YOUR healing, not on medical bills, car damage or dealing with the insurance company. 

Someone is filming a car accident on their smartphone camera.
Personal Injury Cases Due To Automobile Accidents Require Strong Representation

Automobile accidents are one of the most common sources of personal injury.

Most are minor fender-benders, but many cause severe injury, disability and even death.

Many of these accidents come with pain and suffering, emotional distress, lost wages, medical expenses, and property damage.

Avoid the potential problems you and your family may struggle with, like mounting medical bills, loss of income and car repair bills.

Many auto accident victims never receive the full amount of damages they are entitled to, because they don’t know the full worth of their claims. They accept the insurance company’s first offer.

Don’t Wait until it’s too Late. Call Now! 773-286-9400

Know What To Do If You Are In An Accident

What you say and do immediately afterward can have a decisive effect on the outcome of your auto accident injury case, should one be pursued. What you say can be used against you.

  1. Always stop if you are involved in an accident, this is your legal obligation.
  2. Never admit responsibility for the accident. Do not make a statement to the other driver’s insurance representative outside of the presence of your lawyer.
  3. Exchange insurance information with all other drivers involved in the collision.
    • Record the names, address of drivers, driver’s license numbers
    • Record the names of insurance companies, policy numbers
    • Record the name, address and telephone number of any witnesses
  4. Report the event to the police and to your own insurance company.
    • Record date and time of accident, address of accident, direction you were traveling in, as well as the direction the other car was traveling
  5. Promptly see a doctor or go to a hospital if you are injured.
    • Follow all recommendations and prescriptions of your doctor
  6. Take photographs of your injuries, if possible while you are in the hospital as well as at home. Although these are highly personal in nature, such photographs are true and accurate depictions of your condition, and persuasive to a jury.
  7. Do not accept settlement with the other driver’s insurance company without first consulting your lawyer.