woman on floor with injured knee

As home to some of the best dining and nightlife in the country, Chicago’s bar and restaurant industry relies on its loyal customers as well as tourists. Customers visit bars and restaurants across Chicago expecting a good meal or a fun evening, but unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Unsafe conditions have placed thousands in the emergency room due to a bar or restaurant owner’s negligence. Although nobody goes out to eat or for a few drinks expecting to come home injured, it is the reality for many who visit Chicago’s bars and restaurants, and understanding what to do after can make a significant difference when it comes time to seek compensation. 

What is Premises Liability?

Under Chicago law, property owners hold liability for any accidents that occur on the property due to their own negligence. They are required to maintain a premises free of hazards that may cause preventable accidents, such as a loose floorboard or leaky faucet. When they fail to do so, however, slip and fall accidents occur, which may place the liability on the property owner or manager. 

Seek Medical Attention

In cases of slip and fall accidents, you should always make your health and wellbeing your first priority. Receiving medical care for your injury is also important to establish a link between the accident and the injury itself, which is an important step in building a slip and fall case. Always follow your doctor’s orders regarding continued treatment and be sure to follow up on all appointments. 

Many slip and fall victims brush off their injuries or don’t want to cause a hassle. They also may downplay the psychological impacts of being involved in such an accident. However, injuries can be serious, including:

  • Concussions, traumatic brain injuries, or skull fractures
  • Anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Sprains and strains
  • Bone fractures
  • Cuts, bruises, and swelling

File a Report

You should always ask to file a report after a slip and fall accident. Many bars and restaurants have an official incident report; in those cases, be sure to request a copy for your own records. They may ask you questions about the accident, so be careful that you don’t accidentally admit or assign fault; just stick to the facts. Keep your copy of the report to serve as evidence if case you need to seek compensation for any injuries or other damages. 

Gather Evidence

If possible, take photos or videos of the scene of the accident right after it happened. Visual evidence can show the circumstances that caused the accident, which can help strengthen your case. In addition to an accident report, ask if there were any witnesses. Take down their contact information to later ask for a witness statement. Additionally, write or record your own statement detailing the facts of the accident including time, place, location, the type of slip and fall you had, and direct injuries. Many bars and restaurants may also have surveillance footage of the accident; this evidence can be critical to proving your case, but difficult to obtain of the bar or restaurant refuses to cooperate. 

Contact a Slip and Fall Attorney

Proving that a bar or restaurant owner is liable for your slip and fall injury can be complicated and confusing. Many victims walk away without receiving fair compensation for injuries and other damages related to the slip and fall. To ensure the best possible outcome, you can work with a Chicago slip and fall attorney who is familiar with local and state laws. Your lawyer can help you gather evidence and build a case to increase your chances of being fairly compensated. 

Were you injured in a slip and fall accident at a Chicago bar or restaurant? Contact the Saperstein Law Group to discuss your options during a free case evaluation with our law team.